Cataract Awareness: What you Need to Know!

June is Cataract Awareness Month - cataracts are the leading cause of blindness in the world, but fortunately here in San Antonio, TX we have great surgical options to treat cataracts and REVERSE the vision loss caused by them! Dr. Racoma's eye examinations will detect any start of cataracts, let you know what treatment options exist, and will see you through the process! Sometimes it's as simple as a little tweak to your prescription! Cataracts can affect anyone, although most people do not have any symptoms until the age of 40. Family history, other diseases, and smoking can cause cataracts to develop sooner.

Choosing a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a good diet can slow the progression of cataracts, as well wearing sunglasses to limit UV damage throughout life.

To learn more and to see if you have any cataracts, call today 210-960-5494 to schedule your Eye Health Exam with Dr. Racoma.