Signs that it’s time for Prescription Glasses!

time for an eye exam

Did you know that roughly 40% of the population is able to see clearly and comfortably in the distance without any vision correction? This is known as ‘emmetropia’ and can last into middle-age at which time other aging changes begin to take place that decrease our near vision.

For the other 60% of us who do need corrective eyewear it is often quite obvious that we need vision correction. Things like squinting to see clearly, blurry vision even through squinting, and difficulty seeing things that were once clear, can all be obvious signs that’s time for some vision aid.

However, sometimes it’s not so obvious that we are in need of vision correction. Here are a few signs to keep an eye out for that may signal it’s time to go get your eyes checked …

  • Do you find yourself rubbing your eyes to clear your vision?

  • Do you find you are having more headaches, especially at the end of the day or after doing a lot of computer work?

  • Does it feel like your vision is ‘doubling’?

  • What about having to use your finger to keep your place while reading?

  • Are you experiencing eye strain or tired eyes?

  • Do you feel like your eyes are more dry than normal?

  • Are you noticing halos around headlights or other lights?

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms it’s a great idea to call your trusted eye doctor right away. These issues can be remedied quickly and easily with an accurate prescription and new glasses from your doctor. And of course, regardless of symptoms everyone should have their eyes examined at least once a year for the preservation of long term eye health!

So make 2020 the year you finally see “2020” again! Give us a call today at 210-960-5494 so you can see clearer tomorrow.